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The Cost of Dental Implants

As a form of elective surgery, the cost of dental implants can often be considerably higher than that of a simple crown of cap.  Prices can vary greatly depending on the specific procedure, doctor and expectations of the patient.    The cost of a single implant can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, with some individuals spending tens of thousands of dollars on a complete rehabilitation.  On average, patients can expect to spend around $1500 per tooth for a quality dental implant. The process is two-fold, and involves inserting the implant itself within the patient’s jawbone, then restoring the decayed or missing tooth with an artificial one.    The result is a healthier looking, safer, more natural and longer-lasting smile.  When one considers this fact, the additional cost of dental implants usually makes sense. The materials used to produce modern dental implants are costly themselves, not to mention the entire team of...

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